(US)Oregon Health & Science University、個人情報含むUSBメモリが盗難
元記事:OHSU contacts patients about data stolen during burglary元記事:Theft of OHSU Thumb Drive Containing...
- 情報漏洩(海外)
元記事:OHSU contacts patients about data stolen during burglary元記事:Theft of OHSU Thumb Drive Containing...
HP:Central Oregon Community College地域・国Bend, OR USA会社名Central Oregon Community College(COCC)株式情報非上場漏...
HP:State of Oregon地域・国Salem, OR USA会社名Oregon Department of Corrections株式情報非上場漏洩種別紛失漏洩対象USBメモリ漏洩場所社外漏...
HP:Oregon Health & Science University地域・国 Portland, OR USA会社名Oregon Health & Science University株式情報非...
HP:Oregon National Guard地域・国Portland, OR, USA会社名Oregon National Guard株式情報非上場漏洩種別紛失(盗難)漏洩対象ノートパソコン漏洩場...